16 months ago we moved to our home. In those months we've tackled a lot of projects here. We've ripped down wall-paper and painted, had the roof done, painted, had septic & well work completed, painted, had a floor re-done, painted, built a chicken coop, painted, got chickens and did I mention all the painting? So we have been pretty busy.
On Memorial Day weekend B (our teen son) and a friend were hanging out and discussing how it would be cool to take the storage area over the garage and make it a hang-out space for all the teens that God has blessed us with as friends to our 2 young-adults.
So Steve told them that the first thing that needed to happen was to clean out the space of all the piles of junk/stuff that was there. It was a massive catch all for anything and everything from recycling buckets, chicken food to outgrown bikes and light fixtures we didn't need. It looked like this.
In short... it was a disaster!
But during that one day the boys and Steve worked hard and by the end it looked like this.
It is hard to see, but the walls and ceiling are covered in sheetrock that looks like it was installed by drunken blind people. The gaps are HUGE and it is crooked, not screwed into studs in some spots, hung in wonky directions and with LOTS of odd angles and about a zillion seams. And the window in the center of the back wall is an old mobile home window with a broken seal and moisture between the panes of glass.
At first we thought - fine - they can hang out in the empty space. We found a remnant piece of carpet on craigslist and bought that to throw on the floor.
THEN... Steve started thinking, and drawing, and planning. I prayed that God would allow us to do whatever was possible to create a fun, comfortable space for our kids and their friends to hang out here at home.
Steve took the week of his birthday off in June - the plan was that he was going to begin building himself a shed in the yard. Then he did something characteristically marvelous of how he lives his life and loves us so well. He and B and his friends started working on the room - jokingly christened Club Temple on Steve's drawings.
First - Steve took down some water damaged sheet-rock and did some electrical work - moving a ceiling fan and switches.
Then he and the boys built a wall.
Then they hung sheet rock on the new wall. We also took turns beginning a first coat of spackle/mud on the 90-bazillion screw heads and seams.

How awesome - Club Temple