July 1, 2014

Halfway through 2014

We are half-way through 2014 and WOW has it seemed to fly by so far!  July 1st already!

It's been a pretty busy year with more changes than I can remember, but generally it has been a really great year for our family.  We have seen God moving and growing/changing us all, which is always a very cool thing to see even when it doesn't especially feel comfortable.

Right now we are in the midst of a pretty ambitious home-improvement project to benefit J&B and their friends.  I'm pretty astonished at what has been accomplished in about a month's time - mostly by the efforts of my most awesome and amazing husband with some handy help from B and his friends and a bit of painting on my part.   Big reveal will come when we are done.

I haven't forgotten about the book study posting, just slow going as I've been doing a lot of other reading as well lately.  I finished Love Does by Bob Goff and was blown away, challenged, and encouraged.  I would put it on your 'must read' list if you have such a thing.  I also read Notes from a Blue Bike by Tsh Oxenreider and would recommend that as well, though I do disagree with her claim that it is absolutely needful to travel outside the country with your family... I'm not a big traveler anyway and have pretty much no desire at all to leave the country.

Blessings on the journey,

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