May 24, 2010

A beautiful day

The weather here has been unseasonably warm and beautiful!  Today it is already over 80 degrees!  That just doesn't normally happen in NH in May ~ but I will take it with thanks to God above for blessing us with this lovely day!

J had her riding lesson this morning and B was blessed to be able to swim with his friend during the lesson hour.  I sat in a lounge chair and perused a recipe book "Eating Well at Rush Hour".  I'm in search of inspiration for my meal planning.  I am in a slump about planning and cooking and need some new ideas.  I think I found a few.  Though I'm not sure what the kids will think, but I know that Steve always appreciates my efforts and never complains.  I am a blessed wife.
We did a run through Wal-Mart for what I call a 'coupon shop', which is when I have coupons for just about everything I purchase.  I managed to save just over $20 total.  I have made it a hard-n-fast rule to not buy anything with a coupon unless it's something I would normally buy or the price makes it cheaper than the brand of that item I normally purchase.
I still need to do a run to the grocery store and hit the post office to mail 2 things for the PaperBack Book Swap site (I love swapping books!)   If anyone is interested in signing up - send me a message and I'll forward you the link to sign up (I get points if I refer you!).

Tonight is my ladies' Bible Study group and God is really blessing this time with this marvelous group of women.  I think we are all learning and growing and beginning to connect in new friendships.  God is so good to us to give us others to share the journey.

I found a verse today that really spoke to me so I will share it in closing this post.
1 Thessalonians 5:24 (NASB)
Faithful is he who calls you, and he will also bring it to pass.

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