As a follower of Christ I'm supposed to walk the walk... the one I talk about so easily. The one espoused by countless books and blog posts. The one that is ... hard.
We are called to live in community, to build relationships, to reach out and connect in real life. And I sit alone in the kitchen, typing on the keyboard while words and pictures fill the screen. How is that a connection? How has all this technology made things better for the relationships?
I almost cried talking to Steve last night about how my heart aches for 'realness' in life. How I feel so cut off - yet don't know how to connect. Everyone is too busy. Everything is digital and sound bites and 'tweets'. I long to slow down, disconnect and really LIVE. And yet I sit here, typing away....
A friend is hurting... and I went to her home and hugged her and spoke with her for a few minutes. And it was REAL. My heart beat faster as I could feel her heartache in her words and see the mama-pain in her eyes... and I could pray in earnest... lifting her before the throne of grace... bearing one another's burdens.
How do I live this? How do I walk?
Only by the grace of God and in His strength.
I can do everything through him who gives me strength. ~ Philippians 4:13
My feet would completely slip out from under me otherwise.
Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. ~ Proverbs 4:26
Blessings on the journey~