January 27, 2011

Passing Time & Changes on the Road

I can't believe how fast the month of January has gone.  It seems we've done not much but school, housework and shovel snow.  OK... so the kids and Steve have shoveled snow and I've kept the canister filled with hot cocoa mix and mopped up snow puddles.  We all have our talents.

God is changing things in our lives, slowly, but He is absolutely moving us along on the journey.  We strive to follow the path He marks for us and it is not always an easy road to travel.  For me especially!
I don't "do" change well.  I like things to be predictable and comfortable.  There is a running joke about liking it here under my rock.  Change is hard and can be messy and uncomfortable.  God is stretching me out of my box and out from under my rock, but surprisingly it seems to be all okay.
Or maybe I'm the only one who is surprised.
Pastor has announced and been preaching on our church theme for this year and it's about Sharing the Love that Unites Us.  Last year was Honoring One Another, Serving the Lord.  There is obviously a trend. :-)  True Christianity is an 'outward' focused life.  It's not a selfish thing.  Living as part of the body of Christ requires us to look away from ourselves and give/serve/love/etc. as the opportunities are presented.  And God provides LOTS of opportunities when you are paying attention to notice them.
I will admit to really not being very good in this area generally.  Not that I am not willing to help people, but I am not always observant.  I tend to be wrapped up in my own little world of taking care of things at home and with my immediate family.  This in itself is not bad, my family comes first and I make no apologies for that at all!  But I do realize that I have the capacity to do MORE than just that at times.  My children are getting older - and far more capable than I am often ready to make use of - and we are discovering ways we can be used together to meet needs outside of our home.  God is showing us some opportunities... and giving us (ME) the grace, strength and courage to step out and attempt some new things.
I have several more posts relating to all this swirling around in my head.  Writing sometimes helps me to sort out ideas and make concrete the emotions and theories - which allows for easier action... or at least some clarity at times.  You are most welcome to follow along the journey and see what God can do with the few loaves I bring to Him for His use.  (Matthew 16:9-10) Bread baking is a thing I can offer. :-)
Blessings on the journey~

*Note: that is not one of my bread pictures - I thought it was a good one though

January 7, 2011

Week One

We started the new year by cheering for Steve at his first road race of the year.  It was a crazy warm day for here in NH - I think it was in the mid-50s, hence J's t-shirt and the fact that no one has a coat in spite of the piles of snow in the background.
Monday was still semi-vacation mode as Steve had it off from work and the kids just did a small amount of school that day.  We dove back in full swing on Tuesday and have had a good week.  Much has been accomplished academically, some laundry, a new plan for memorizing more scripture in 2011, and we're back to working on our Balancing the Sword questions each morning as well as our Training Hearts, Teaching Minds devotional work.  I know it makes a HUGE difference in our days when we begin with studying words from the Lord for us and focusing on Him to start.
I've also begun reading a new book by Dr. David Jeremiah and have downloaded some awesome freebies for my new kindle (a Christmas surprise from my loving husband!).  I finished reading Mary Beth Chapman's new book Choosing to SEE during the week after Christmas and recommend it highly!  She is so honest and real telling a difficult story but her faith in God really shines I think. 
This journey is not always easy... heck, most days it's pretty tough!  But God is always faithful and never has us travel alone.  I am thankful for that gift each day.
Blessings on the journey~