November 29, 2011

Late November Morning

It is late November here in NH... a time that should not allow for sitting on the deck swing in your bathrobe in the morning.  Yes... I was doing that this morning.
The kids are not awake yet (more perks of homeschooling!) and I'd gone outside with Piper and just sat for a bit.

Marveling that I could be outside without freezing or being bundled in blankets over my fleece bathrobe. Thankful for warmth.
I looked at the gray clouds rolling across the sky behind the trees - mostly bare of leaves now. Thankful for vision.
Listening to the sounds of the river rushing madly over the falls behind our home. Thankful for hearing.
Watching a neighbor meander down the road with his dog.  Thankful for our home in a good neighborhood.
Seeing a bird flutter to rest on another naked tree (you can barely see him in the center).  Thankful for the creation as a gift.

Pausing to thank God that my children are still upstairs sleeping as the sound of a school bus roared along the road.  Thankful for homeschooling.
Anticipating a day of learning as I look forward to a quilting class this afternoon.  Thankful for Steve thinking it's a worthwhile pursuit of my time and this opportunity.
Seeking clarity from the Lord for concerns that weigh heavy this morning.  Thankful to be able to bring all things to His throne.
Thanking Him for being my Jehovah Shalom (the Lord is Peace), Jehovah Shammah (the Lord is There), and Jehovah Jireh (the Lord shall Provide).

I am most blessed - even in the hard things.

Blessings on the journey~


Being brave - out of my comfort zone - to link up on Emily's 'tuesday's unwrapped'

November 10, 2011


Go here... find your one.  You will be so glad you did... I can pretty much guarantee it.

Compassion Bloggers: Ecuador 2011

November 7, 2011


How might God use you if you let him?
We've seen how... in 3 different places around the globe... in the lives of 3 different children...but most importantly in our own family here.  It's amazing!

And by our sharing about our experience... there are FIVE precious little ones in Honduras who are now sponsored by my totally awesome parents - 5 little people who have an additional/new set of grandparents that have adopted their little hearts and are covering them in prayer.

Are you willing? 
Follow this trip via one or more of the linked blogs you can reach by clicking on the image below... let God use you.  You will be SO blessed!

Compassion Bloggers: Ecuador 2011

Blessings on the journey~