I had downloaded a free book for my kindle called "Prayers for Today" and it has many good things in it. This morning I came across this prayer attributed to Francis of Assissi (1181-1226) and was touched.
I did pray this and acknowledged before the Throne of Grace that I was not quite sincere in that I
do long to be comforted & loved, yet I also know that Christ alone will be the fullest source of those things in my life.
Photo is a rose window in the Church of Santa Chiara, consecrated in 1265,
across the town from Saint Francis Basilica.
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace,
That where there is hatred, may I bring love;
That where there is wrong, may I bring a spirit of forgiveness;
That where there is discord, may I bring harmony;
That where there is error, may I bring truth;
That where there is doubt, may I bring faith;
That where there is despair, may I bring hope;
That where there are shadows, may I bring light;
That where there is sadness, may I bring joy.
Lord, grant that I may seek to comfort, rather than to be comforted;
To understand rather than to be understood;
To love rather than to be loved;
For it is in giving that we are received;
It is by forgiving that we are forgiven,
And it is by dying that we awaken to eternal life.