A few weeks ago Steve and I were discussing things that we remembered eating fairly regularly as children but that we have never had as adults or fed to our own children. **
Yes - I do realize that this is probably not a normal conversation line for most people but we are not 'most' people.**
One of the items in question was Boston Brown Bread in a can - he didn't remember the can part as he only ever saw said bread on the table but he did remember that it was round and he didn't quite know why.

About a week later J and I were in the grocery store and found it and were compelled to send a photo via text to him just for giggles.
The other day I was reading through a handful of blogs that I enjoy and stumbled on
this post about muffins... and in particular
THIS recipe.
An actual recipe for
Boston Brown Bread muffins! Yes - I was way too excited about this and vowed to make a batch as soon as I could remember to purchase some rye flour - as it is not something I normally stock in my pantry.
On Monday I finally remembered to purchase a small package of the needed flour and just this morning had the opportunity to bake a batch of the muffins. I mixed them up according to the HM's directions and even the batter had the same aroma I remembered from my childhood. Soon the kitchen smelled of molasses baking and even J agreed it smelled good.
After about 15 minutes they were done!
Warm with real butter and ... YUM!
A childhood memory memory made from scratch and so good! J did try a half of a muffin but was unimpressed. When Steve gets home from work, he can try them and see if they match his memory and then tomorrow I'll take a few down to my folks when I visit them and see if they remember... I'm sure they will.