Anyway... A's car stuff has been an ordeal since he got his license at 18. We allowed him to buy a car to use and that was its own adventure, but God provided a car that seemed good and it turns out the family selling it - here in town - were Christians and it was a painless experience. The car was hit about 3 months after he got it and again God provided. The other person's insurance paid for all repairs instead of totaling the car. A had to put some money into it last summer to get it to pass inspection, but God provided the means for hard-to-find parts and a knowledgeable person to help him.
So move to now, well, two weeks ago, and the car starts making a bad noise... I mean a BAD noise. Mechanic friends from church assessed the situation and told A that his engine is going. Not good. We seek a 2nd opinion from our local mechanic and he is told the car is very old and not worth trying to save at this point. Money-pit is the term that Steve used. :-)
So we started praying. A doesn't have a lot saved up after having paid for tuition for this semester of school in Dec. and we needed to find affordable (read CHEAP), and yet reliable and not total junk. He needs safe, reliable transportation to get him back and forth to school, work and church. Turns out that is really tough to find in NH at this point. But we serve an awesome God who loves us very much and knows what we need, and even the secret desires of our hearts.
Last night A and I took a drive up to Concord to check out a 1994 Honda Accord.
Yes, 1994... as in 16 years old. But as a Honda, that isn't really a major deal. We are a Honda family - I'm on my 3rd and Steve is on his 2nd.
A loved the car, it drove great (I drove it), was very clean inside (if not so pretty on the outside) and the guy was very nice... turns out he goes to Manchester Christian Church. I love it when God steers us to certain people.
Back story to part of this is that Steve had a 1994 Honda Accord when A was a kid and sold it before A got his license. A had really, REALLY wanted that car.
So now he has one - automatic instead of shift, red instead of green - but God gave him what he had been desiring (Extravagant)... AND what he practically (affordable/reliable) needed. It just curls my toes to see the fingerprints of God in our daily lives, practically and extravagantly at the same time. In His perfect time. We have such an awesome God.
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