We are winding down our school year. It has been a very successful one and I am pleased at how much they have accomplished and learned this year. It seems so odd to be planning for next year already - but I am beginning that process as well and love seeing how they are growing into new independence and learning so many new things all the time. I love having them home to learn and grow. There are days it seems that time and the world is rushing so fast... that I really relish the days we have to hang around in our pjs and read and talk together.
Last week J & B had their last piano lessons for the year. It was bittersweet as they are looking forward to a break, but will miss their weekly lessons with Mrs. Brewer. She is a wonderful, godly woman who has brought much more than music into their lives.
This week they are scheduled to finish the last of their history curriculum, science book, and math. English has been done for a while now. We started the Latin mid-way through the year, so that isn't done and Jess has one last section of her literature to finish up. But for all intents and purposes we will be on break for a bit after this week. I have the results of their standardized tests and for the first time have decided to submit those to the town as proof of "adequate progress" for the year. Prayerfully, it won't open any boxes that I'd rather not have opened. We have a new assistant superintendent here in town and I am not sure how he views homeschooling. The woman we've dealt with all these years was very good to work with and we never had any conflicts with her, I'm hoping her replacement will carry on the same.
May begins on Saturday and I am looking forward to it. We have so much to do this week that after Saturday it feels like we'll be able to rest a bit. In addition to finishing up the schoolwork this week we have several other things on the calendar. Our church yard sale is this Friday/Saturday and the kids and I will be helping with that several times during the week and weekend. I am using this as a big push to de-clutter and purge in our house - it benefits the ladies ministry for church and helps us simplify our lives! Win-win!
I have quilt group on Wednesday and we have several quilts to get finished in the coming months as there are many new babies arriving in our church family.
This is the most recent quilt we finished 2 weeks ago, it is for our Pastor's soon-to-be-born new grandson.
Next week we begin 'summer activities' here. Spring soccer starts for both kids, and J will begin her natural horsemanship lessons again for the summer. The garden will get planted and we will begin our new season!
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