This is a close up of my new bedspread as it was back-lit with sunshine on the clothes line.
Here it is with no back lighting. The color is sort of between the two photos - a buttery yellow that is cheerful and soft.
It makes me so happy!
It's a cotton (old-fashioned) bed spread - the kind with fringe around 3 sides and it pulls up over the pillows - I found way way on clearance from the LL Bean outlet store in Nashua. I love to sit on it in the morning when I'm doing my devotional time and run my bare feet over the top of it. It feels like summertime & vacation to me. Like being at a cabin that your grandparents have by the ocean or the lake or up in the mountains.
I'm sure this makes no sense to anyone else... but it brings me such happiness that I wanted to share a slice of silly smiley-ness. I think everyone should have things in their home that make them smile... just because!
Blessings on the journey~
ooh, pretty! This is what I've been wanting for my bed all summer (well, except I want it in white) ;)