Anyway - this trip was amazing to follow.
I started reading a bunch of different blogger's accounts of the same day on the trip... and God started pulling on my heart.
I was nudged, I was poked, I was pulled.
My heart cracked and I cried.
I had the kids read some posts and they were tugged on as well. I sent links to Steve and he said, "Do what you think is right." and then when he came home after work he asked "Are we sponsoring all of Africa yet?" with a smile that melted my heart more.
So we looked at photos, and more photos, and still more photos. We read bios, we talked about each one ... and my heart was broken at so much need. Then... we saw his photo... read his name & bio, kids and I talked... and we chose him. Fred. Our little Compassion child... a child that we are growing to love and care about very much. We have been thrilled to get letters from Fred, he's very young still so the Compassion team members help him write to us. We pray for him daily. God is letting us make a difference in the life of one small boy in Kenya... and prayerfully... we'll be able to sponsor more children in the future.
This week there is another trip... this time to Guatemala with a different group of bloggers. I can't wait to see what God will do!
I know not many people read my blog... but in case you happen to have stumbled across this post somewhere along your journey... please consider helping a child far away find hope. YOU can be the hands/feet of Jesus to a child somewhere in the world! How COOL is THAT?!?! God will LET YOU HELP! He will LET you... yes YOU... be part of His plans!
It totally knocks my socks off that God ... Creator of the universe and Savior of the world... lets ME help with something in His plans. ME... me who falls short, screws up and burns cookies and has a messy house most days....
God lets me be part of Fred's life from a zillion miles away.
He'll let you find a child to help too. Take a look.... let your heart be soft... change a life and let your life be changed too.
Blessings on the journey~
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